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VPN & Seedbox troubleshooting > Difference between internal and external torrent

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DeluserPosted at 09:18:24 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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Tried rTorrent to begin, no connections here on the website.
Saw the post about rclone not working, switched to qbt.

Neither client seems to have registered, account  still at 0 upload, 0 download, 0 ratio.

I don't care about the 500gb I've uploaded, just wondering what else I need to do for the website to recognize my connection.

rtorrent was 0.9.6/0.13.6 (no longer using)
qbt is 4.5.2

Seedbox provider xxx. 10gig connection.
Torrent ID used for testing

Cheers, arrrrr  

Last edited by admin on 11:09:24 11.03.2023

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adminDonatedPosted at 09:40:07 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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If you download only magnet link there is no attached internal torrent ID, you must download .torrent file

You cannot add a foreign torrent to your statistics

Last edited by admin on 09:47:12 11.03.2023

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DeluserPosted at 09:55:05 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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I used Torrent Control to pass along the torrent file. Did not use magnet.

edit: Sorry what is the context of foreign torrent in this case. I downloaded same torrent but had qbt recheck the existing data and start uploading. Didn't download anything via qbt.

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adminDonatedPosted at 09:57:30 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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But I don't understand how you want to add a foreign torrent to yours local torrent

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DeluserPosted at 09:58:44 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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Can you please explain what you mean by foreign torrent?

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adminDonatedPosted at 09:59:57 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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There are only local and externals torrents.

If you want create you own torrent you must use

and follow steps one by one

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DeluserPosted at 10:03:24 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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I'm not looking to upload one. I have downloaded a torrent file for an existing torrent linked in my original post.

I then downloaded that torrent and have uploaded it back with 2 clients now.

At the top of this page all my numbers say 0. Download, upload, ratio. (bonus is 10.0)

I'd just like to be counted as part of the swarm. I don't create my own torrents.

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adminDonatedPosted at 10:08:01 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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Statistics count only for your owned torrents.

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DeluserPosted at 10:10:52 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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How can downloads count for only your own torrents?

On the Admin account you are using did you download 3.62GB of your own torrents and only upload 2.63mb?

If that was the case, what is the point of a ratio?

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adminDonatedPosted at 10:13:11 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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My ratio is only for testing purposes. I am not a user.

here is real user:

Last edited by admin on 10:13:48 11.03.2023

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DeluserPosted at 10:15:29 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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Maybe I am explaining this wrong, please see screen shot

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adminDonatedPosted at 10:17:51 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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Yes, as I said. It's an external torrent. (You are not owner)

If you want to have statistics, you must follow this link

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DeluserPosted at 10:20:31 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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Torrent files that I get from this website are not internal to this website's tracker?

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adminDonatedPosted at 10:23:38 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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Internal torrents are only those you create
The others are external

Last edited by admin on 10:23:44 11.03.2023

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DeluserPosted at 10:28:51 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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Ok so if I am understanding you, the only way to have a ratio at all here is to create/uplaod your own torrents? Everyone else is just freeleech. Just downloading things or seeding them back isn't tracked at all.

Is this correct?

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adminDonatedPosted at 10:32:29 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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The only way is to upload your own torrent.

Then is count as your own internal torrent and then is everything tracked seeding, uploading, downloading, ratio and other stats

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DeluserPosted at 10:36:28 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)
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22 years of torrenting, this may be the most absurd thing I have heard. I understand why you don't have that written down anywhere in fag or rules, people would laugh themselves half to death.

Please feel free to remove this post and this account

Last edited by admin on 11:00:38 11.03.2023

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adminDonatedPosted at 10:42:21 11.03.2023(84 wks ago)

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I'll just change the name and leave it here, maybe it will help someone.

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