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Snappy Driver Installer- R423

Snappy Driver Installer- R423

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Software version: SDI R423 from 23.11.2015 (ChangeLog) / DP 15115 of 12.1.2015
Developers: SamLab (the drivers), BadPointer (program)
Language: MultiLangual
Platform: 2000/2003 / XP / Vista / 2008/7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (32bit-64bit)
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Description:Driver Installer Snappy (SDI) - a portable software installation and updating of drivers without requiring an internet connection. It is a leader among the programs of this class matching accuracy and speed of drivers. When ranking the driver gives priority to a more appropriate drivers (regardless of the availability of newer versions) to minimize the risks to ordinary users. Specialists can evaluate a large amount of information issued by the driver and the ability to select an alternative driver.Key Features SDI:Programming language: C / C ++.
The most advanced algorithm for matching drivers among peers.
Program weighs less than a megabyte, and does not require any third-party programs.
High speed for indexing, searching for the driver installation.
Support for uncompressed drivers.
Create system images to emulate someone else's system on another PC.
Warnings about possible virus attempts to infect the stick with the program.
The ability to update the software and the drivers via the Internet (technology torrents).What is this release different from SamDrivers?This distribution is made ​​on the basis of SamDrivers with the following features:

Remove all third-party software folder (soft).
Removed alternative program to install the drivers.
The distribution is made in the form of a folder rather than .iso-image that allows you to select the drivers to load.
Name:Snappy Driver Installer- R423
Category:Application > PC
Total Size:12.08 GB
Info Hash:b00cfb8cd37ad085c197ef1671d05512ef96935a
Added By:Anonymous
Date Added:05-12-2015 18:04:46
Report system:Report Torrent
Information:For anonymous downloading use VPN
Download link:Download torrent file
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